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Sechshauserstraße 49/14

1150 Vienna

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our work seriously ...

Window Renovation
instead of swapping windows!

There are many good reasons ...

... that speak in favor of window renovation.

Every house and building has its own distinctive character. Windows and doors play a very important role as a design element. Windows are, so to speak, the eyes of a house. How are your windows doing? Do you feel comfortable and safe? Particularly in private living areas, more and more emphasis is placed on undisturbed and quiet living. Quiet and natural living is an important part of the quality of life. The demands on today's windows are particularly high. On the one hand, these components have to protect against negative environmental influences, on the other hand, windows represent the necessary and important connection between people and the outside world.

From old to new...

Preserve and upgrade the existing stock:

We recommend that the window replacement is most worthwhile if facade insulation is installed on the house wall at the same time. This is the best way to avoid thermal bridges. Because turning a set screw alone is not a long-term solution when renovating old buildings. If instead new windows are installed at the same time as insulation, this ensures a uniformly warm wall surface that does not give mold a chance.

If the budget does not allow windows and insulation to be modernized at the same time, the homeowner can implement both separately. However, in this case you should discuss and advise us comprehensively in order to coordinate further renovation projects at the planning stage. However, we recommend that you do not wait longer than two years before renovating the insulation.

Are you looking for a professional window manufacturer in Austria? With RS Innbau you have a competent partner in matters of window construction, installation and renovation. The focus of our work is on the renovation of existing buildings. We are therefore happy to modernize the windows of your old building and are also there for you afterwards for any repairs or questions. Are you interested in getting to know our wide range of offers? Then contact us. We'd be happy to advise you.

Advantages of window renovation

Less costs & Noise

economically much more sensible

original look is retained

manageable effort

Take your first step now ...

to make the impossible possible.